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When do I need Insurance?

Young Adults and Couples

Starting a Family

Establishing a Family

Buying a Home

Business Owners and Partners

Protecting or Building Wealth

3 Types of Insurance Everyone Needs to Consider

Life Insurance

Would a loved one be financially affected if something happened to you?

Life insurance protects the financial security of your loved ones by providing them a tax-free lump-sum payment upon your death.

Disability Insurance

Would your family be financial protected if you were unable to work?

3 out of every 10 people will experience some form of disability during their lifetime and increasingly, during their working years.
Disability insurance will provide you with income protection for as long as you are disabled or age 65.

Critical Illness Insurance

Would your family have the funds if you were diagnosed with a critical illness?

Critical Illness Insurance provides a lump-sum payment if you are affected by a life-altering illness such as stroke, cancer, and heart disease. Recovering from such an illness can have a significant impact on your finances, however, the lump-sum benefit can be used as you see fit.

Image by Ryan Christodoulou

Mortgage Planning

A mortgage loan is one of the single most important investment decisions that you will make in your lifetime. Making the right choice can eliminate significant interest and other costs over the life of your mortgage. 

The most common error people make in shopping for a mortgage is looking for the lowest interest rate in isolation and not considering other important factors such as the term, prepayment, or personal cash flow at the present or in the future.

As a trained Certified Financial Planner, I can help you determine the best mortgage option for you and your family by looking into your financial situation as a whole. Along with sourcing the most suitable mortgage product for my clients, I present options and educate my clients on how the right mortgage product can be used as an effective long-term debt management and/or investment tool.

The exploratory meeting is always free with no obligations. Let's talk and see if Affinity Capital is right for you.


Everyone Needs a Will

Be the one to dictate your plans

Your Will serves two important functions, it allows for you to make key appointments and allows you to describe the distribution of your assets. 

No Will: Then the government is decide the distribution of your assets upon your passing already. However, this plan is rarely in line with your wishes. 

Along with creating your Will, you should also have:

  • Power of Attorney for Property.

    • Allows you to appoint a trusted person to look after your financial affairs if you are incapacitated and cannot make your own decisions​​.

  • Power of Attorney for Personal Care.

    • Allows you to appoint a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf​ and other aspects of your personal life if you are incapacitated and cannot make your own decisions.

Have us help you with your Will and be the one to dictate your own plans.

Affinity Capital Management Inc.

55 Commerce Valley Drive West Suite 502, Thornhill,    L3T 7V9  (416) 333-8625

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